Past RCD Projects

This project seeks to complete the planning, assessment and permitting necessary to restore the natural functioning of three meadows, “High Onion” meadow, Upper Onion Valley, and Tyler meadow. When restored, these meadows would have significant ecosystem value as they provide important suitable habitat for the Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog a federally endangered species.
If you're interested in a volunteer opportunity contact Amanda Watson,

The Amador RCD is working with the El Dorado National Forest to restore these three meadows. The project implementation was completed in the Summer of 2021.
Documents to Download and Review:
Maps of Three Meadows
Decision Memo Three Meadows Restoration Project (Decision Memo)
Excerpt from CEQA Initial Study for the Three Meadows Project - Design Criteria and Mitigation Measures (Initial Study)
60% Design Submittal (60% Design)
Road Work
The Hazard Tree Landowner Assistance project is no longer accepting applications. The ARCD has a new project that can provide technical and financial assistance to landowner to deal with tree mortality and forest health issues through a partnership with the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Click here for more information.
Check out the County Tree Mortality Website for more Information on County-wide efforts.