Monarch and Pollinator Habitat Projects for Natural and Working Lands
ARCD has received Climate Resilience through Habitat Restoration on California Lands funding through the California Wildlife Conservation Board and California Association of Resource Conservation Districts to plan, install, and monitor two large monarch and pollinator habitat restoration projects on working lands in Amador County.
Selected projects will receive technical assistance from ARCD in developing a habitat planting plan, installing and maintaining habitat, and monitoring monarch and pollinator species throughout the project term.
Project objectives include:
- Demonstrating successful management of monarch and pollinator habitat on working lands
- Enchancing pollinator habitat alongside county wildfire recovery and mitigation efforts
- Habitat monitoring
- Community education
- Direct and/or Indirect Benefit to Disadvantaged Communities
Project Designs will include a minimum of one of the following practices:
- Hedgerows
- Rangeland Planting
- Riparian Habitat Restoration
- Tree/Shrub Establishment
Grant funding will provide:
- Technical Assistance
- Planning of Habitat Design
- Installation Materials (plants, seed, irrigation, fencing) and Labor
- Maintenance and Monitoring Support (selected projects may be monitored over a 10 year period)
Project selection will occur in spring of 2024 and be based on:
- Project alignment with funding objectives
- Site location
- Funding capacity
If interested, please submit your information here: Monarch & Pollinator Habitat on Working and Private Lands General Interest Form
You may be contacted for a site visit if your site is determined to fit current or future project criteria. Filling out this interest form is not a guarantee of funding or assistance. Depending on interest and/or demand the ARCD may not have the capacity to provide technical assistance to all interest form submissions at this time.
Natural & Working Lands Monarch & Pollinator Habitat Assistance Partner Organizations:
- California Wildlife Conservation Board
- California Association of Resource Conservation Districts
- Point Blue: Conservation Science for a Healthy Planet
- The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
- Monarch Joint Venture - Protecting Monarch Butterflies & Their…
Additional funding for pollinators:
- Roots Program - Point Blue
- Monarchs and More Western Habitat Program • Monarch Joint Venture
- Technical Assistance for Farmers and… • Monarch Joint Venture
- Pollinator Partnership | Enhanced Farmland For Pollinators, Crops, And Soil
- California Monarch and Pollinator Habitat Kits | Xerces Society
- CDFA - OEFI - Healthy Soils Program Incentive Grants (
- Central Sierra Healthy Soils Program
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program | Natural Resources Conservation Service (